Because every birth is unique,
this six-week BirthWorks® interactive class is for first-time and experienced parents who value a thorough approach to preparing for their birth experience. This holistic philosophy of birth preparation focuses on helping expectant parents gain confidence in the birth process and their ability to create a positive experience. Birth partners will also learn ways they can be most supportive.
Topics of discussion in the six-class series include:
The physiology of birth
The emotions of the childbearing year
How beliefs and attitudes shape our experience
The full range of safe birth options, informed decision-making and advocacy skills
Multiple tools to decrease fear and increase confidence
The partner’s crucial role in facilitating a positive experience
Group Classes at University Hospitals
A six-week group class series is offered at University Hospitals Landerbrook Center in Mayfield Hts, or as a live virtual online event. The class fee is $180. Find registration information on the UH childbirth class website.
See the calendar of events on this website for the upcoming class schedule.
Private Classes
Please inquire about the availability of a five-week private or small group class series and refresher classes in the comfort of your own home or virtually before registering to attend in the Online Store.