Here you will find links to organizations, information, books, apps, documentaries, videos, and DVDs that can be helpful to you during pregnancy, as you are planning the type of birth you want, and as you are navigating being a newly-postpartum and nursing parent.
Pregnancy uses evidence based therapeutic techniques and practical tips proven to help new and expecting parents manage stress, anxious thoughts, and low mood.
Infant Risk Center undergoes research, and provides education and public service through a hotline and publications pertaining to over-the-counter and prescription medication safety for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
Pregnancy for Every Body and Plus-Size Birth provide information, support and encouragement about healthy experiences for pregnant people of all sizes.
Spinning Babies is an approach to optimize the physical relationship between the bodies of the mother and the baby to ease the discomforts of pregnancy and enhance the birth experience. The Doula Experience offers Spinning Babies parent classes.
Webster Chiropractic Technique – find information about, and a chiropractor certified in, the Webster Technique at ICPA, which proactively assists in optimal fetal positioning and can help to resolve a breech. The Doula Experience can also give personal referrals.
Childbirth Organizations
Black Coalition For Safe Motherhood seeks to improve Black Maternal Health through promotion of Healthcare Advocacy and Holistic Community Support of birthing people.
Childbirth Connection is a trustworthy resource for up-to-date evidence-based information on planning for pregnancy, labor and birth, and the postpartum period. Read the Hormonal Physiology of Childbearing report.
Evidence Based Birth has a mission to improve birth outcomes worldwide by promoting evidence based birth practices among consumers and clinicians. Highest-quality research is written as short practice bulletins, which can be used by consumers, childbirth educators and doulas. The Doula Experience offers workshops for parents and professionals.
Lamaze for Parents provides a wealth of information and resources for parents during pregnancy, as they are preparing for birth, and for after baby arrives. Sign up for their Giving Birth with Confidence blog, access their video library and take advantage of multiple other resources.
Cesarean and VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean)
ICAN of Greater Cleveland is a local chapter of the International Cesarean Awareness Network that provides monthly meetings, information and support to families healing from cesarean surgery, planning a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) or preparing for their first or subsequent birth experience. provides childbearing people and maternity care professionals access to evidence-based resources, educational materials, and support for VBAC and cesarean prevention. provides education on VBAC.
American College of Nurse Midwives is a professional organization for certified nurse midwives and certified midwives. Their companion website, Our Moment of Truth provides information and resources about midwifery care to consumers.
Midwives Alliance of North America has the goal to unify and strengthen the profession of midwifery, thereby improving the quality of health care for women, babies, and communities. Find information and resources about midwifery and homebirth here.
Ohio Midwives Alliance is a professional organization of Ohio midwives and their advocates who recognize and support the practice of midwifery in all settings. Referrals to homebirth midwives can be found here.
Breastfeeding/Human Milk Feeding
Best for Babes provides non-judgmental support, information and tips for overcoming “booby traps.”
Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association has the goal to have a national impact on the reduction of racial disparities in breastfeeding success for black families.
Breastfeeding Medicine of Northeast Ohio provides medical care and lactation support for mothers and babies, as well as serving as a donor milk dispensary.
CDC Proper Storage and Preparation of Breastmilk — Centers for Disease Control recommendations on storing, preparing, and feeding breastmilk.
Droplet provides information, advice and encouragement for the best start initiating breastfeeding in the first hour and days after birth. Informative videos in English and Spanish.
Human Milk Banking Association of North America accredits non-profit milk banks, accepts donations of breastmilk and refers to milk banks.
Infant Risk Center undergoes research, and provides education and public service through a hotline and publications pertaining to over-the-counter and prescription medication safety for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
International Lactation Consultant Association – Find a Lactation Consultant Directory can help you find a board certified lactation consultant near you. provides expert support, tips and evidence-based information on breastfeeding, sleep and parenting.
La Leche League of Ohio provides peer support for breastfeeding at meetings, by phone, by email, on Facebook and through publications. Find a leader and a meeting near you.
LactMed Drugs and Lactation Database is a fully-referenced and peer-reviewed database of drugs and other chemicals to which breastfeeding mothers may be exposed. It includes information on the levels of such substances in breast milk and infant blood, and the possible adverse effects in the nursing infant, along with suggested alternatives.
LGBTQIA+ Equity is a website published by the Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition with resources (webinars, articles, books, etc.) related to human milk feeding support.
Natural Breastfeeding for an Easier Start provides expert information, tips, videos and resources for breastfeeding.
Parent Resources: Breastfeeding & Human Milk The U.S. Breastfeeding Committee created this webpage to help guide families to the professionals, information, and resources they need as part of their infant feeding journey, including considerations when returning to work or school.
Perinatal (Pregnancy through One Year Postpartum) Emotional and Mental Health uses evidence based therapeutic techniques and practical tips proven to help new and expecting parents manage stress, anxious thoughts, and low mood.
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline offers 24/7 free confidential support for pregnant and new parents. Call 1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262). In the instance of mental health distress or a suicidal crisis, call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988 for free and confidential support.
PMH Connect is a connection tool to nurture conversations and care for emotional health, well-being, and wholeness throughout pre-conception, planning, pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting.
Postpartum Support International provides direct peer-to-peer support, resources and referrals for the emotional changes and challenges that families experience during pregnancy and postpartum.
POEM (Perinatal Outreach and Encouragement for Moms) offers weekly local meetings and a Facebook group for pregnant people, new mothers and experienced mothers experiencing a wide range of perinatal mood disturbances.
The Thrive Guide is a supportive tool for creating a plan for emotional health and wellbeing during the motherhood/parenting journey, before becoming too overwhelmed to identify resources.
Postpartum Parenting
BASIS - Baby Sleep Information Source offers informed choices about infant sleep and night-time care.
Emerald Valley Mothers of Multiples Club offers meetings, social events and support for local mothers of multiples.
Northeast Ohio Mothers of Multiples provides support, information and social interaction for local mothers of multiples.
Project Preemie provides support and resources to parents of children in the neonatal intensive care unit.
Recommended Books
Many of these titles are available from The Doula Experience lending library.
Plus Size Pregnancy: What the Evidence Really Says about Higher BMI and Birth (Wickham)
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn: The Complete Guide (Simkin, et al.)
Real Food for Gestational Diabetes: An Effective Alternative to the Conventional Nutrition Approach (Nichols)
Natural Childbirth / Prepared Childbirth / Informed Consumerism:
Babies Are Not Pizzas: They’re Born, Not Delivered! (Dekker)
Battling Over Birth: Black Women and the Maternal Health Care Crisis (Opara, et al.)
Birth Book (Sears)
The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Partners, Doulas and Other Labor Companions (Simkin)
Birth Your Way (Kitzinger)
Birthing From Within (England)
Born in the Bed You Were Made: One Family’s Journey from Cesarean to Home Birth (James)
Born in the USA (Wagner)
Changing Birth on Earth: The Midwife and Nurse’s Guide to Using Physiology to Avoid Another Unnecessary Cesarean (Tully)
Creating a Joyful Birth Experience (Cappachione & Bardsley)
Creating Your Birth Plan (Wagner)
The Doula Book (Klaus, et al.)
Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom is Wrong—And What You Really Need to Know, updated 2019 (Oster)
Gentle Birth Choices (Harper) (also DVD)
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering (Buckley)
Having a Baby Naturally (O'Mara)
Homebirth (Kitzinger)
HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method (Mongan)
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth (Gaskin)
Journey Into Motherhood (Menelli)
Labor Pain: What’s Your Best Strategy? (Goer)
Natural Hospital Birth (Gabriel)
The New Pregnancy & Childbirth: Choices and Challenges (Kitzinger)
The Official Lamaze Guide (Lothian & DeVries)
Optimal Care in Childbirth (Goer & Romano)
Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn: The Complete Guide (Simkin, et al.)
Pushed (Block)
Transformed by Birth: Cultivating Openness, Resilience, and Strength for the Life-Changing Journey from Pregnancy to Parenthood (Bushnell)
Why Induction Matters (Reed)
VBAC / Cesarean Prevention:
Born in the Bed You Were Made: One Family’s Journey from Cesarean to Home Birth (James)
The Caesarean (Odent)
Cut, Stapled, & Mended (Rosewood)
Open Season (Cohen)
Silent Knife (Cohen & Estner)
Understanding the Dangers of Cesarean Birth (Jukelevics)
The VBAC Companion (Korte)
Balancing Breast & Bottle: Feeding Your Baby, 2nd ed. (Peterson & Harmer)
Bestfeeding (Renfrew, et al.)
Breastfeeding Made Simple (Kendall-Tackett & Mohrbacher)
The Breastfeeding Mother's Guide to Making More Milk (West & Marasco)
Mixed Up: Combination Feeding by Choice or Necessity (Ruddle)
The Nursing Mother's Companion (Huggins)
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (West & Pitman)
Working and Breastfeeding Made Simple (Mohrbacher)
The Baby Book (Sears)
Bonding (Kennell & Klaus)
Happiest Baby on the Block (Karp) (also DVD)
The Wonder Weeks: A Stress-Free Guide to Your Baby’s Behavior (deRijt & Plooij)
Your Amazing Newborn (Klaus & Klaus)
Down Came the Rain (My Journey Through Postpartum Depression) (Shields)
Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to the Secret Fears of New Mothers (Kleiman)
The Hidden Feelings of Motherhood (Kendall-Tackett)
How to Heal a Bad Birth (Bruijn & Gould)
Myself Again: The Parents Postpartum Survival Guide (Mauren & Wiersqalla)
Nobody Told Me About That: The First Six Weeks (Breedlove)Overcoming Postpartum Depression and Anxiety (Sebastian)
Rebounding from Childbirth (Madsen)
This Isn't What I Expected: Overcoming Postpartum Depression (Kleiman & Davis Raskin)
Transformed by Postpartum Depression (Karraa)
Traumatic Childbirth (Tatano Beck, Watson Driscoll & Watson)
The Year After Childbirth (Kitzinger)
Recommended Videos, DVDs and Documentaries
Natural Childbirth / Informed Consumerism
Birth Time (documentary — view the trailer)
Comfort Measures for Childbirth (DVD)
The Business of Being Born (DVD)
The Essential Ingredient: Doula (documentary)
The Face of Birth (documentary — view the trailer)
Gentle Birth Choices (Harper) (DVD—also book)
Giving Birth (documentary — view the full production)
Giving Birth in America (documentary — view the trailer)
It's My Body, My Baby, My Birth (DVD — view full production)
Laboring Under an Illusion: Mass Media Childbirth vs. The Real Thing (DVD)
More Business of Being Born(DVDs — view the trailer)
Orgasmic Birth: The Best Kept Secret (DVD — view the trailer)
Pregnant in America (documentary — view the full production)
Spinning Babies Parent Class (Digital download — also taught by The Doula Experience)
These Are My Hours (documentary — view the trailer)
What Babies Want (DVD — view the full production)
Why Not Home? (documentary — view the trailer)
VBAC / Cesarean Prevention
The VBAC Dilemma (More Business of Being Born DVD 4 — view the trailer)
Baby / Breastfeeding
BabyBabyOhBaby (DVD)
The First Hour of Life (Klaus) (DVD)
The Happiest Baby on the Block (Karp) (DVD—also book)
Latch 1, 2, 3: Troubleshooting Breastfeeding (DVD)
Microbirth (documentary — view the trailer)
Dark Side of the Full Moon (documentary — view the trailer)
When the Bough Breaks (documentary — view the trailer)
Recommended Apps uses evidence based therapeutic techniques and practical tips proven to help new and expecting parents manage stress, anxious thoughts, and low mood.
Count the Kicks is a reliable way for expectant parents to monitor their baby’s well-being in the third trimester in addition to regular prenatal visits.