Comfort & Coping for Childbirth Class
As a valuable supplement to prepared childbirth classes or as a refresher for subsequent births, this three-hour class offers comprehensive preparation for the birthing person and birth companion.
Sometimes prepared childbirth classes cannot cover everything that could be beneficial for parents to learn. This is true for many express or abbreviated-length classes that focus more on the “nuts-and-bolts” of labor and birth in the available time. In these classes, there often isn’t the opportunity to delve into the more complex comfort measures and labor support techniques.
In this class, you will
Learn how to create a relaxed and supportive labor and birth environment
Discover how movement and positioning relates to comfort and coping and contributes to labor progress
Practice multiple techniques for minimizing the discomfort of back labor
Group Classes at University Hospitals
A three-hour class is offered at University Hospitals Landerbrook Center in Mayfield Hts., or virtually. The class fee is $35. Find registration information on the UH childbirth class website.
See the calendar of events on this website for the upcoming class schedule.
Private Classes
Please inquire about the availability of private or small group classes in the comfort of your own home or virtually before registering to attend in the Online Store.